Lisa Albinus Creative Services- Where your story is honored with individual attention. You have been dreeaming of getting your manuscript published. I get it. I understand the vulnerability in looking into publishing your book. I understand the questions and the confusion and not understanding all of the steps. I get it- I walked this path as well.
A book rattled inside of me for ten years. I kept taking it out and blowing the cobwebs off of it. I rewrote it and tweaked it and dreamed of the "someday" when it would be published.
.....................The years ticked by...................
The bottom line was it was SCARY to release my dream into the world, a world I hardly understood. Publishers and formats, eBooks and ISBNs.
Where do you even begin?
I get it.... because I have stood where you are standing.
I want to take the confusion out of getting your story out and replace that with honor, respect and individual attention.
Through my creative services. my team will handle everything - from editing to interior design, cover design and illustration. You are in the drivers seat - you maintain all rights and control over your book. You pay for our services alone - all profits from your sales belong exclusively to you.