JMG Studio / Professional Illustrator in Waxhaw, North Carolina

With 38 years in the business: Disney, Marvel, Warner Brothers ...

John-Marc Grob is a very talented artist with many versatile capabilities from cartoons, graphic design, animation, apps, video editing, website, and photography. With over 30 years of experience, he can deliver any project applying any medium. He is extremely high-tech with being fluent on the latest state of the art technology.

John-Marc's graphic design and photography have granted him numerous awards. His many photographies works caused much excitement and buzz with gallery showing and art displays. For over 30 years his cartoon work continues to sell worldwide bringing joy And excitement to kids and adults of all age.

Noteworthy to mention includes his design promoting sales of 230,000 sweatshirts nationwide within 2 weeks through Kmart. For 9 years, his many flower photos on gift bags were selling across the country with demand exceeding supply with constant back orders of 12000 dozens. His artwork and creativity continue to be displayed on shirts, toys, video games, candy, books, food, electronics, movies, tv, and websites. He has created and published over 30 books.


Ad Specialties Adobe Illustrator Expert Advertising Advertising Illustration Book Covers Book Illustration Brochure Cartoon Cartooning Catalog CD Cover Design Character Design Children's Book Illustration Children's Picture Books Color Illustrations Commissioned Artwork Concept Art Drawings Exhibit Graphics Gallery Art Illustration John-Marc Logo Design Marketing Murals Packaging Pen And Ink Pencil Photoshop Photoshop & InDesign Posters Product Design Real Estate Graphics Sequential Art (Comics) Stationary Storyboard Illustration And Comps T-shirt Design Vector Illustration Web Design
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