John Hornsby / Professional Illustrator in Asheville, North Carolina

As an environmental designer, illustrator and creative strategist, I craft authentic illustration, graphic design and outsourced marketing to help solutions oriented businesses, nonprofits and other creatives tell the story of their work.

I work primarily in pen and ink, watercolor and digital illustration. I often create typographical based illustrations where I illustrate a word or phrase such a a core value of a brand or idea. I also craft nature scenes, animals, geometric and figurative work and really anything that I may be called upon to produce. I love the hand drawn look which can provide a nice counterbalance to the slick digital imagery we are so often surrounded with. I’m particularly interested in where these intersect.

I love working with purposeful people to build teams who craft creative solutions to make the world a better place. I am a proven reliable partner for working on unique and engaging creative projects.


Ad Specialties Adobe Illustrator Expert Advertising Illustration Architectural Illustration Book Covers Book Illustration Brochure Cartoon Cartooning Catalog CD Cover Design Children's Book Illustration Children's Picture Books Color Illustrations Commissioned Artwork Concept Art Drawings Editorial Gallery Art Illustration Invitations Logo Design Marketing Murals Packaging Pen And Ink Pencil Pet Portraits Photoshop Posters PowerPoint Presentations Product Design Sequential Art (Comics) Storyboard Illustration And Comps T-shirt Design Technical Illustration Vector Illustration Watercolor Web Design
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