Chelsea Glanz / Professional Illustrator in Fort Collins, Colorado

I specialize Custom Murals, Illustrations, and Paintings. I've worked in a diverse array of styles, allowing me to cater to your specific taste. I would love to help you communicate your message, attract your clients, and create unique atmosphere in your business or home through beautiful visuals that accentuate the story and character of your place! I am also a skilled illustrator and would love to help you make your children's book come to life with detail, color, unique whimsey and character that draws young readers and parents alike into the story! Please visit my website for some samples of my work. I use only high quality materials that will last looking great, and you'll receive friendly customer service, follow up, and timely completed work! With a lifetime experience of creating art and over 8 years experience creating custom work for clients, I'll not only provide you with a positive experience, but an outstanding finished piece!


Body Art Body Painting Book Covers Book Illustration Children Book Illustration Children's Book Illustration Children's Picture Books Commissioned Artwork Custom Portraits Drawings Gallery Art Gifts Hair Salon Murals Illustration Kids Book Illustration Murals Museum Murals Night Club Murals Oil Painting Pen And Ink Pencil Pet Portraits Portraits Restaurant Murals Street Art Technical Illustration Watercolor
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