My name is Leanna Marsden Read Urcinas
Sanicru is what I call my business.
Paintings, Illustrations, Drawings Handmade Books and More!
I am a Painter. I am an Illustrator. I am an Origamist. I create Books.
That is what I do and I love it. I try not to create disposable objects, but pieces of art.
We overlook books as if they are no longer important, but they are. We have so much technology that almost everything is mass produced, but we need to keep in mind the hard work and love put into everything created. I create sketchbooks, journals, jewelry books (book necklaces and book earrings), prayer books, scrap books, any kind of book that lets people put down those ideas. You can keep these ideas that keep the world running in something that will inspire you or help you want to make or keep things out of love, and not out of want or need.
Every piece I make is one of a kind. No one is too much like another. And all are made with you, the people of the world, in my thoughts. ...Your likes and imaginings, loves and wishes, hopes and dreams.