I finished a 4 year art school in Moscow Russia, a 2 year animation college in Moscow, and am pursuing a Fine Arts-Illustration degree at Utah Valley University. I provided illustrations for Out Of The Killing Fields Into The Light by Penny D Conrad. I designed and crafted wooden toys, which I sold on etsy.com. I participate annually in the Living Traditions Festival in Salt Lake City as a puppeteer (I design and craft my own puppets). I been working as a staned glass artist for Holdman Studios on the Roots of Knowledge project. You can see my work at UVU library. Here is a link to it http://rootsofknowledge.com/rok/ I have my professional portfolio web page here irinaharding.myportfolio.com
I am happy to work for you as an illustrator, artist, graphic designer, and more. Let's make your dreams come true.