Logan Ganshirt / Professional Illustrator in Austin, Texas

Illustrator with an eye for storytelling. From strong character driven concept design to storyboards, single page illustrations and logo design, I have what it takes to bring your ideas to life. I am versatile and have done everything from animation and illustration,to T shirt designing and screen printing. As a full time freelancer I know what it takes to be personal, prompt and professional. I believe that strong and clear communication help lead to a satisfied client.


Advertising Illustration Animation Book Covers Book Illustration Branding Caricature Caricatures Cartoon Cartooning Cartoons Character Design Children Book Illustration Short Stories Children's Book Illustration Children's Picture Books Comic Art Commercial Art Commissioned Artwork Concept Art Digital Drawings Editorial Illustration Educational Ilustrations Flash Animation Humorous Illustration Icons Illustrated Illustration Kids Art Line Art Logo Design Logos Packaging Pen And Ink Pencil Photoshop Posters Screen Printing Sequential Art (Comics) Storyboard Illustration And Comps T-shirt Design Vector Illustration
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